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"Oh, ah... Bert... Bert... Oh, what did he say his last name was... Bert somethin'" she said peering around the other side of the building, then shielding her eyes from the sun as she scanned the rest of the area visually."Bert. Well, I guess there couldn't be that many Berts around," I said, mostly to myself.I began building up energy for a pulse, then when it was ready, I let it go."Found him. Whoops, found two. Nope three. Shit. Bert must be more popular than I thought. Okay. Which is it? Bert Johnson, Lutz, or Ziegelmeyer?" Ziegelmeyer!" she said amazed. "How'd you do that!" Just a trick I... Uhm, I hate to tell you this, but he's already five miles up the road." Shit!" she said, stomping her foot. "He's taken off with my stuff! The lyin' son of a bitch!" Uhm, you want some help?" I asked her, seeing he was still within my range to stop him, and it was on my way."Thanks, but how could help me? He drives a big truck, and unless you got a shot gun or know karate, he's break us both. And each time something like that happens, their liege lord gains or loses income in the form of taxes, influence, political connections ... for some Arls, losing a single important Bann could begin the downfall of the entire Arling."Likewise, if a King does not do what's best for the entire nation, the Landsmeet will remove him from power. You know that Cailan almost didn't end up as the King after Maric died? Nervous about his youth, inexperience, and undue influence from the MacTir family, a number of Banns and Arls tried to raise up my father, instead. The only reason he wasn't made King is because he threw his support behind Cailan." But that's ... isn't that treason? To depose the King?" Not if they do it legally, in the Landsmeet. Think about it. What if Cailan had been a tyrant? Or just even more incompetent than he was? What if he hadn't had Anora to run the administrative duties of the country for him? There has to be a mechanism in place to prevent someone like Meghren.
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